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Writer's picture: Amaya Nicole HardyAmaya Nicole Hardy

Flourish means to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way especially as the result of particularly favorable environment. Flourish is also defined as an instance of suddenly performing or developing in an impressively successful way. We are living in a time where many feel the unshakable pressure of excelling in every area. Literally, we are expected to be a financial guru, Instagram fine, spiritually astute, driving our dream car, living in our dream house, married and preparing to raise cute little prodigies all by the age of 25-30. For many, this is the American Dream but for others, this image brings about pain and stress because struggle has been “the story”.

When we are surrounded by struggle it can be difficult to “see” ourselves beyond where we currently are although often times, we believe easily for others. It is easy to slip into habitual negative thinking while encouraging those around us to pursue their hopes and dreams. What I know to be true is that we don’t have to be a product of our environment. By God’s grace we can excel. Conditions or our environment don’t have to meet our expectations.

Sometimes there is struggle when we sense greater in our spirits but see failure and demise all around. Many times what we see is the exact opposite of what we hear God saying. Often times we don’t know what is next. All we know is what we believe God has laid on our hearts. But the word of the Lord for you is FLOURISH. It is a command. Flourish in the season you are in. You don’t have to wait for a more “favorable” season or environment. Flourish NOW. Flourish in the midst of adversity. FLOURISH in the midst of uncertainly. God has already given you what you need to flourish right where you are. With Him you lack nothing, so flourish. Stare adversity and uncertainty in the face and don’t back down. FLOURISH. Do not fear but you are to F-L-O-U-R-I-S-H. Everything you need is being provided therefore by faith move forward and FLOURISH in the season you’re in.


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